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directions_bikeSalzkammergut trophy 2024

Slow day in the saddle. 4+ hr. Efforts are not my forte. Went conservative the first 2 mountains- I had to ask D to slow down. Salzberg was a walking affair. Dusan rode entire Salzberg-brutal… he did have small crisis after and was slower on 4th climb. Last mountain Dusan recovered and we rode to finish together. Super great day. We were pretty far in the standings… but FINISHERS!

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place Graf prevýšenia

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trending_up Vzdialenosť
125 km
schedule Čas
landscape Nastúpané
3 699 m


Priemer Max
Rýchlosť 14,4 km/h 81,7 km/h
Výkon 186 W -
Energetický výdaj 4 942 kcal


Priemerná teplota 15 °C

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trending_up 24,4 km
schedule 01:24:10
landscape 258 m

directions_bike Bailing early fun w villains 🦹

trending_up 54,1 km
schedule 02:24:17
landscape 666 m

directions_bike Evening Ride

trending_up 16,9 km
schedule 00:48:03
landscape 174 m

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