skus kuknut Vostok Europe, ja do nich asi tiez pojdem, maju tam vela peknych modelov (automat, quartz, jednoduche, chrono)
05.01.2014 - 23:26:18
a ked nahodou budes kupovat cez net, pozeraj aj priemer hodiniek. lebo napriklad moje 39mm by sa na tvojej ruke asi stratili :) ...po prve sa ti musia hlavne pacit a az na druhom mieste by som riesil absolutnu presnost. tie radiom riadene mi pridu uz viac elektronika ako hodinky. ked uz, ja na tvojom mieste by som si vybral kvalitne quarzove.

btw, moje automaty idu po dvoch tyzdnoch 5 sekund dopredu

ale nech aj nie su automaty uplne presne, som ich zastanca a keby si teraz mozem vybrat tak by to boli niektore z tychto troch : Baume&Mercier Capeland / Tag Heuer Carrera / Frederique Constant Carree ( podla toho ako by som sa vyspal :) )


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Naposledy upravil matt dňa 06.01.2014 - 00:31:24, celkovo upravené 1 krát.

06.01.2014 - 00:06:23
tak ako píše matt. Mne sa páčia veľké športové hodiny s priemerom min. 50 mm. Ale každý má iný vkus, každému sa páči niečo iné :-)
06.01.2014 - 00:12:48
tak potom Berco uz naozaj len nejake automaty
06.01.2014 - 08:48:00
A platí, že aj lankové radenie je viac radenie? :-)
06.01.2014 - 11:05:07
dik za info...dobre vediet....a ako si spokojny? idu presne?

spokojný som nadmieru, s presnosťou som problém nikdy nemal, ale atómové hodiny to nie sú :-) ešte k tej výmene baterky: hodinky treba občas znova nastaviť, pretesniť, prípadne vyčistiť, preto odporúčam len autorizovaného hodinára, ktorý to urobí pri výmene baterky.
06.01.2014 - 11:05:40
k presnosti, kamarát má Tagy automaty a mám pocit, že za chvíľu mu odíde nastavovacie koliesko od únavy :-/
06.01.2014 - 11:15:55
mam dvoje tissot dm ti radu ak budes kupovat cez in hodinky posli im ponuku o 15% nizsiu ako maju uvedenu cenu mne napr. zo 630 dal na 530 eur s tissot neurobis chybu i ked som chcel 516 automat a pani mi povedala ze automaty su vhodne na kazdodenne nosenie a tym sa strojcek nakalibruje a nebudu tak meskat nemam automaty len pisem co mi pani v hodinarstve povedala
06.01.2014 - 17:57:07
A platí, že aj lankové radenie je viac radenie? :-)

dotm, toto podla mna neplati ;) ...hodinky su hodinky preto lebo ich pohana urcity mechanizmus. ked tam das bateriu a "napojis" ich napr na radio, nieco tam zmenis. bicykel je bicykel preto lebo na tom musis slapat. ked tam das nieco co to bude pohanat, uz to bude motorka ;)

ale ako som pisal, na Bercovom mieste by som pozeral kvalitne quarz
06.01.2014 - 18:25:44
Jasné...ale mal som namysli lankové radenie na bicykli vs. napr. elektronické
06.01.2014 - 18:44:17
K tej presnosti:

It is important to remember that even when a mechanical watch is allowed to vary +6/-4 seconds per day, that does not mean it will consistently vary by that high an amount each day. Mechanical movements--except the very rare 'turbillon' movements that correct for it--are noticably affected by the gravitational pull of the Earth. It only takes a performance distortion of 1/1000th of a percent for a watch movement to be one second less accurate in a day. This causes the performance of mechanical movements to be somewhat different from day to day when not stored in a fixed position. The good news is that the actual variations of a mechanical watch will often cancel each other out. This means a mechanical watch will tend to be more accurate over a longer period than the single-day COSC measurement may imply.

The day-to-day performance of quartz is much more consistent than mechanical under identical conditions. Quartz performance is affected mainly by temperature changes and weakened batteries. So a quartz watch that you measured to gains 0.5 second yesterday will be consistently increasingly off correct time by about that amount. You can be pretty certain that in 60 days, it will be about 30 seconds off. At the end of a year, it would be likely be over 180 seconds off.

Compare that to a mechanical watch that you measured to gain 2 seconds yesterday. It would seem that our example quartz watch is 4 times more accurate than this. But while the daily measured daily variations seem much higher, they are not likely to be as consistent, so will have a dampening effect. You cannot accurately predict that this mechanical would therefore be off by 120 seconds at the end of the same 60 days. It might be right on time, or it may be 200 seconds off. That broader range of variations allows most mechanical watches to stay closer to correct time than the daily variation rate implies. Over a year, some mechanicals can on average stay closer to correct time without having to be reset than a quartz watch might.

06.01.2014 - 19:17:44
dakujem chalani.....vyzera to tak, ze to budu quartzky..... a swiss made .... este mam cas do leta nieco povyberat...
06.01.2014 - 20:20:18
skus kuknut Vostok Europe, ja do nich asi tiez pojdem, maju tam vela peknych modelov (automat, quartz, jednoduche, chrono)

ano Vostoky su pekne a aj spolahlive, uz 3 dni sa z jednych vytiesam :-)
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06.01.2014 - 20:26:57
Este by som sa, ako tu uz niekto napisal popozeral po Seikach.
06.01.2014 - 20:52:33
Roman....pozeral som aj seika, ale nepadli mi ziadne do oka.....ale celkom sa mi pacia certiny...


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06.01.2014 - 21:57:44

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